The Ultimate DIYer Toolbox Checklist

What you’ll want to have stocked and ready for any home or craft project.

This page is the go-to DIY tools guide for crafters and makers.


Whether you’re a DIY beginner or a confident multi-crafter, this list will provide you with suggestions for all the essentials, basics, plus a few extras, that will keep you ready to tackle your next project. 


To put this list together I literally went through my own craft and project areas, including the garage and basement. I sincerely hope you’ll find it helpful as you build your supply space, craft room or DIY tool closet.


For your convenience, the list is broken down by categories


Also you’ll find additional  suggestions (after descriptions) to help you make the best choice for your needs.


Most links here go to Amazon. Full disclosure: Seas Your Day participates in the Amazon Associates program. We may earn a small commission on qualifying purchases made through the links on this page (at no extra cost to you).


We’ve only recommended items that are both high-quality and reasonable in price.


Many of these items can be purchased at your local home supply or craft store.


We’ve created a free checklist that you can download here. Print it out and take shopping with you or keep handy as you shop online. 

The Ultimate DIYers Toolbox List

The Ultimate DIYer Toolbox Checklist


A good general list of basic craft supplies to meet and exceed your crafter cravings.

Go get ’em Pinterest die-hards!

Starter Supplies

A must-have for any crafter. High temperature for strong bonding: wood, plastic, metal, glass, shells. Low temperatire for delicate materials: floral, fabric, foam, jewelry and more. MINI GLUE GUNS

Keep plenty of all-temperature glue sticks on hand. You’ll use ’em for all kinds of crafty projects and quick fixes. GLUE STICKS

You know what it is. You know what it’s for. You know you need one. If you want something stronger try a HEAVY-DUTY STAPLER.

Craft project essential. Use the jute twine to wrap around glasses, bottle necks, jewelry, decorate ornaments, etc. MULTI-COLOR TWINE too.

Quickly clean the remaining vinyl from different areas. Tools to secure decals, transfers, vinyl stencils, scrapbooking and for use with CRICUT or SILHOUETTE cutters. 

Precision cutting, ideal for cutting wood, cardboard, paper, plastic, cloth and foam board.  CUTTING TOOL KITS

Find several pairs to fit your needs. CRAFT SCISSORS

Be ready to hang frames, pictures, artwork, wall decor. PICTURE HANGING KITS & ACCESSORIES

Find a basic sewing kit for DIY projects and home crafts. SEWING KITS

Multiple uses: jewelry making, decorating, crafting, florist arranging, gardening, wrapping, etc. ASSORTED CRAFT WIRE and FLORAL WIRE

Three piece set: Needle Nosed Pliers, Round Nose Pliers and Side Cutters. CRAFT WIRE CUTTERS

Used to scribe square 90-degree cutting lines on fabric, plastic, wood.  RIGHT ANGLE LAYOUT TOOLS

A retractable tape measure for small craft and home projects. SMALL RETRACTABLE and SOFT TAPE MEASURES.

To measure or make clean, straight scalpel or knife cuts. METAL RULERS

Essential for scrapbooking, paper crafts and more to bond, hold, mount. Give a neater look to finished projects. DOUBLE SIDED TAPE

Protect your work surface from damage, and prevent knife blades from dulling quickly. Use with a Exacto knife or a Rotary Cutter. CUTTING MATS

Everything needed to create lovely, distinctive floral arrangements to enjoy in your home or give as gifts. FLORAL ARRANGEMENT KITS AND SUPPLIES

Punch holes in fabric, leather, tarps, etc. for lacing purposes. GROMMET TOOL KITS in other sizes

Draw patterns on tracing paper and use the ball styluses to transfer them to canvas, wood, glass, metal, ceramic, clay surface. TRACING AND TRANSFER PAPERS

Create permanent designs on multiple surfaces such as ceramic, wood, glass, stone, plastic, and canvas. OIL BASED MARKERS

Use for sewing to transfer markings on fabric. FABRIC MARKING PENCILS AND PENS

For crafting, sewing, fabric projects, ornament decorations and general fabric repairs.  SEWING CUSHIONS

These paint brushes are suitable for various kinds of painting. For use with all craft mediums including acrylics, watercolors, gouaches, and oil paintings. BASIC CRAFT PAINT BRUSH SETS

A set of tweezers for quilling, paper filigree, jewelry making, beading. Any craft where precision pick-up is needed. TWEEZERS FOR CRAFTS

Single hole punch. There are many decorate hole punches for craft projects. SHAPPED HOLE PUNCHES

Punch holes in card, felt, fabric, tarpaulin, vinyl, paper, canvas, soft plastic, silicone and rubber. Perfect for sandals, bags, pet collars, ID cards, grommets, various crafts. VARIOUS PUNCH TOOL KITS

Larger tubes for beginners and seasoned artists alike. Versatility to work equally well on paper, canvas, wood and even fabric. Other CRAFT PAINT SETS in tubes, small bottles, variety of colors.

For use on many surfaces such as wood, terra cotta, metal, ceramic, paper, canvas, glass and fabric. Great for furniture makeovers. CHALK PAINTS and BRUSHES FOR FURNITURE

An assortment of grits suitable for use in art and craft, wood work, automotive, metal and plastic applications for buffing and polishing. SANDPAPERS

Indispensable product for every crafter and maker. Find a brand and size that fits your needs. ALL-PURPOSE GLUES

All-in-one glue, sealer and finish. Adheres to fabric, paper and other porous materials to nearly any surface. Use as a sealer to protect acrylic paint, decoupage, stain, fabrics and more.

Protect walls and ceiling edges,  fixtures, trim and molding. Create sharp lines for creative painting like stripes. Use to hold down temporary items like stencils.  PAINTER’S TAPES

Storage Ideas

You need places to store your craft supplies. Here are LARGE BINS FOR CRAFTS made of plastic and metal, some with drawers, cup holders, etc. 

Storage organization for small craft supplies like beads, pins, buttons, etc. won’t get lost in SMALL BINS and Totes. 

A craft or hobby station is a great start — before creating a dedicated craft room –to keep your most used supplies organized and handy. CRAFT and HOBBY CARTS

Clear your table space by hanging your tools on peg boards. Keeps most used tools within reach. PEG BOARDS

Stackable storage cubes in multiple sizes. Perfect organization storage for tools and supplies. STORAGE CUBES and BINS

Durable enough to hols heavier item like paint and power tools. Good place to stack small and large craft bins too.  WIRE RACKS


These items should be in everyone’s basic toolbox. Great for times you need a quick fix.

Utility Tools

Great assortment of different sized wire nails and brads for home needs and small craft projects. ASSORTED NAIL KITS

Assortment of wood screws for home needs and small craft projects. ASSORTED SCREW KITS

For supporting wall hangings and paintings. WIRE in other gauges and lengths.

Three piece set: Needle Nosed Pliers, Round Nose Pliers and Side Cutters. CRAFT WIRE CUTTERS

Mark or score materials, cut cardboard, trim excess material. Use to cut packing tape, cord, leather, twine, or plastic. UTILITY KNIVES

Easily cut paper, fabric, thin metal, and plastic. PRECISION KNIVES

Tackle any small hanging or repair job with an assortment of hooks suitable for brick, metal, wallboard, corkboard and more.  ASSORTED HOOKS

All-purpose extension cord for indoor and outdoor use. Great for powering any household appliance or power tool. EXTENSION CORDS

For cutting sturdy fabrics, upholstery, rope and composite materials. HEAVY-DUTY SHEARS

Great to secure fabric around canning jars, attach gift tags, tying together bouquet garnish. Bind papers and magazines. Perfect use in crafting, cooking or even flying a kite. STRING

You need a flashlight for all the obvious reasons…get one, and keep it where you can find it. FLASHLIGHTS

Great for kids’ crafts, DIY and hobby projects, household repairs and more. TACKY TYPE GLUE

For use on wood repairs such as wobbly chair legs. Bind picture frames and DIY wood decor projects. WOOD GLUES

Multi-use tape with strong adhesive to create a secure bond. An essential for home projects, repairs. DUCT TAPES and PRINTED DUCT TAPE DESIGNS for crafts

Bonds leather, cork, paper, cardboard, wood, chipboard, fabric, metal, ceramic, rubber and hard plastics such as Plexiglas, polycarbonate, polystyrene and PVC. Emergency first aid for cuts (that’s just me) SUPER GLUES

Measuring tool with a straight edge used for drawing, scoring, or cutting. Essential for fabric/sewing projects. Perk: Lots of fun crafts are made using yardsticks. YARDSTICKS

A retractable one that’s long enough to a room, ceiling as well as small areas. MEASURING TAPES

Safety Tools

Find a pair of glasses or goggles that work for you. Lots of styles and many you can wear over prescription glasses. SAFETY GLASSES

Disposable gloves are ideal to protect your hands from paints, oils, cleaners and more. LATEX-FREE DISPOSABLE GLOVES and/or RUBBER GLOVES

Always wear a mask when sanding, cutting wood, plastic or metal. Ditto for spray painting; anytime nontoxic dust is around. Working with toxic fumes requires a RESPIRATOR MASK. DUST MASKS

Choose a pair of gloves with a good grip. Protect hands from cuts and punctures while handling sharp metals, knife, blades, glass, shells, plastic sheet, paper, and construction materials. WORK GLOVES FOR WOMEN and MEN

Protect your ears with ear buds. Choose something comfortable and use them when working with power tools. EAR PLUGS

A must-have for your home DIY area. Enough said. FIRST AID KITS


A toolbox for painters is divided between home painting, like walls and moldings, and the crafting painter. Many of the tools for home decor will easily transfer to your crafting needs.

Home Interior Painting

A painting and home decor essential. Confidently mix and match colors for your home and projects. Check out 5 Easy Steps to Choosing Perfect Coastal Paint Colors. (works for any decor style) COLOR WHEELS

A color fan deck is a small splurge but works well together with a Color Wheel. Favorites include BENJAMIN MOORE, SHERWIN WILLIAMS, MAGNOLIA HOMES

It’s always a good idea to invest in paint samples before you commit to a color or finish. You’ll find sample cans or sheets at your local paint store. MAGNOLIA HOMES offers sample sheets online.

Protect walls and ceiling edges,  fixtures, trim and molding. Create sharp lines for creative painting like stripes. PAINTER’S TAPES

Use a small hand held bucket or large bucket with screen to protect paint can from debris like fuzz and dog hairs.  HAND HELD and LARGE paint buckets.

Paint Bucket Screen

A roller grid helps remove excess paint and distributes it evenly on the roller cover to assure even application. PAINT BUCKET SCREENS

An adjustable extension pole to apply paint to hard-to-reach surfaces. PAINT EXTENSION POLES

Pour as much paint as needed, easily. Cover keeps paint off the rim. PAINT LIDS and POURING SPOUTS

Filter out dirt, dust, particulates, lumps or any debris that can affect your paint job by clogging your spray gun, airless sprayer or paint brush. PAINT FILTERS

Most paint retailers will give you a wooden paint stirrer with purchase. For quicker and more efficient mixing use a PAINT STIRRER MIXER that attaches to a drill.

A general paint roller kit is a good place to start. Select one designed to perform well with all paints and have superior performance with today’s low VOC and paint and primer in one. Purchase extra PAINT ROLLERS in the size and nap required for your job. PAINT ROLLER KITS

Pour paint into the tray to apply paint to the roller. PAINT ROLLER TRAYS

Disposable plastic tray liner protects your paint tray. Use for easy clean-up. PAINT TRAY LINERS

Choose a set of paint brushes for walls and general DIY projects that include a straight and angle brush. I love this SHORT HANDLE ANGLE BRUSH. PAINT BRUSHES 

Cut around light switches, trim, ceilings and around windows with ease. PAINT EDGE TOOLS

A sand paper for uses on wood, metal, walls, etc. ASSORTED SAND PAPERS

A sticky cloth used for many different purposes. Use to clean minute dust particles accumulating on wood prior to sanding and painting. Also use to clean wood between a coating of stain or sealant. TACK CLOTHS

Multi uses from painting masterpieces to covering surfaces from paint spills to sewing home decorations like slipcovers and curtains. PLASTIC PAINT TARPS

A sturdy, lightweight, yet well constructed ladder is a must-have. Get one as high as you’re comfortable to climb. LADDERS

Craft Painting

Acrylic craft paints are essential for any home craft project. Find them in 2 oz. BOTTLES, 8 oz. BOTTLES, 4 oz. TUBES

Makeover a dumpster find into a divine piece. Chalk paint creates a matte look. It will cover walls, metal. glass and wood. Use it to create Shabby Chic, Farmhouse, and Beachy Coastal style decor and accessories.  CHALK FINISH PAINTS

An assorted set of craft brushes is a good start to building your craft toolbox. Add to them as you grow and for specific crafts, like larger furniture makeover pieces. ASSORTED CRAFT PAINT BRUSHES

You’ll use these disposable and budget-friendly brushes on many projects. Perfectly absorbs paints, stains, and urethanes. Creates a smooth finish.  Best on furniture, cabinetry, trim, craft projects. FOAM PAINT BRUSHES 

Honestly, I’m a low tech, cheap crafter! Empty yogurt, fruit cups containers, plastic plates work fine. A paint palette probably holds mixed paints better :-). MIXING BOWLS AND PALETTES

Painting Prep & Cleaning Supplies

Prep new or previously painted drywall, concrete, wood, masonry, metal and glossy or difficult surfaces with a base coat of primer.  PRIMER PRODUCTS

Take care of your brushes and they’ll last much longer. A painter’s brush or comb removes paint buildup and reshapes your brushes before putting them away.  BRUSH COMB TOOLS

Cut up old t-shirts or get a package of clean-up rags to, uhm, clean up your paint spills, windows and more. CLEAN-UP RAGS

Artists and crafters use “float” to allow paint to flow more smoothly, aiding your brush strokes. It’s especially helpful when painting walls. PAINT THINNERS and ADDITIVES

Remove paint spills and excess. We like this brand because it’s odor-free and biodegradable.  PAINT REMOVERS

Prep before painting. Use for walls, furniture, cabinet. Cleans and etches surface providing excellent adhesion, even on high gloss surfaces. Removes tough stains like grease, smoke, mildew and dirt.

Disposable gloves are ideal to protect your hands from paints, oils, cleaners and more. LATEX-FREE DISPOSABLE GLOVES

Perfect for any spackling, painting, scraping. PUTTY KNIFE TOOLS

Scrape off caulk and sealant in bathroom; remove excess paint on windows, stickers/labels and wallpaper.  PAINT SCRAPING TOOLS

Use to fill dents, cracks, nail holes and other small holes.  PAINTER’S PUTTY

Perfect for protecting your hands while washing, sanding and clean-up. LATEX-FREE DISPOSABLE GLOVES

Fill holes and cracks, let dry and then you’re ready to sand, stain or paint. WOOD FILLERS


These are the must-have tools for general home repairs and projects. 

Hand Tools

3 Piece Hammer Set includes 16 OZ. Claw Hammer for nailing and removing nails, Double Sided Rubber Mallet to tap various surfaces and Tack Hammer. HAMMERS

You’ll need flat and Phillips screwdrivers for everything from removing screws like light switch plates to tightening loose screws anywhere. SCREWDRIVER SETS

For cutting things like wood, plastic pipe, plywood, wallboard. With a little practice you’ll be a pro. HANDSAWS

Adjustable Wrench

Tighten and loosen nuts and bolts. Perfect for furniture labeled “some assembly required”. ADJUSTABLE WRENCH SETS


Twist and cut wires for making floral decorations, ornaments and other craft projects. PLIERS SETS

A grown-up stapler for securing things together. Attach fabric and foam to a headboard or upholster seat cushions. Mount picture frames and small wood projects. STAPLE GUNS

A multi-purpose fixed blade knife suitable for cutting any number of sturdy materials like leather, rope, fabrics and more. UTILITY KNIFE

Hold small or awkward objects together while the glue dries. Use where a LARGE CLAMP won’t do the trick. It’s a chip-clip on steroids. 

Mini glue guns are fine for small craft projects. Use a large one to glue heavy and denser materials, including wood, rocks, shells, glass and more. LARGE GLUE GUNS

A retractable one that’s long enough to a room, ceiling as well as small areas. MEASURING TAPES

Be sure your projects are plumb, level, and square. Avoid crooked shelves. LEVELS

Easily find framing studs located behind drywall. That mirror or painting will thank you when it’s secured to the wall. STUD FINDERS

Power Tools

Perfect for drilling into wood, metal plastic and all screw driving tasks you’ll need for DIY home and decor projects. ELECTRIC DRILL

Great one for small- or medium-size projects, such as resurfacing furniture or removing paint from plywood. PALM SANDERS

Portable and easy to use for tasks like hanging pictures, curtain rods, installing lights, put together “some assembly required” items. CORDLESS SCREWDRIVERS

Use this wood working tool to guide a hand saw to make precise mitre cuts in a board. Cut common angles needed for simple jobs, such as installing wood trim moldings or baseboards. MITRE BOX 

This is a fun tool to have if you’re refinishing furniture or painting craft projects with a large surface, such as a table or even cabinets. It takes a little practice but you’ll love the precise spray to create a smooth and professional finish. PAINT SPRAYERS

A compressor is needed to operate Brad Nail Gun and Paint Sprayer. Use it to inflate tires and pool tubes too.  AIR COMPRESSORS

A solid all-around power tool for making straight cuts. CIRCULAR SAWS

Install moldings, carpet, upholstery projects, create wood picture frames, tons of craft projects. COMPRESSOR and BRAD NAILER GUN

Easily cut intricate curves and joints quickly and with great accuracy. SCROLL SAW

We’ve created a free checklist that you can download here. Print it out and take shopping with you or keep handy as you shop online. 

Starter Toolkits

A great place to start building your toolbox is to start with a general Toolkit. Review these 9 Tool Kits for Crafters and Home Repair DIYers

Find your decorating style.